Staying Safe From Coronavirus
What To Do & How To Do It

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is spreading rapidly across the globe and affecting a lot of lives, businesses and economies globally. Everyone should be concerned. Please take this very seriously and pay attention to the guidelines below to safeguard you and others from this deadly disease.
How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus

Heartwarming Message from our GMD
It has become clear over the past couple of weeks that the world is facing an unprecedented challenge.
Like you, we at UBA, are deeply concerned and want to do all we can to help keep our countries and our families safe and healthy. On behalf of the United Bank for Africa, I’d like to reassure you that we are responding to the situation at hand.
First of all, let me say that your loyalty humbles us, and we take our responsibility to serve you very seriously.
From the onset of this situation, we have been listening to the appropriate sources for accurate and up-to-date information, and our plan reflects those inputs. As things evolve, we are actively monitoring the crisis and assessing the risks. We are ready to implement immediate changes to ensure a high level of safety.
We will continue to communicate with you as may be necessary and promptly on a variety of significant developments:
What We’re Doing:
We have introduced rigorous additional cleaning procedures, and are increasing the number of wipes, hand sanitizers, and other materials available in our banking halls and throughout our business offices.
We have ensured that customers have access to the products and services they want at all times. We are also making it easier to find UBA products and services quickly and in real-time, 24/7.
We have taken steps to help protect our staff from possible exposure to COVID-19 by reducing the number of face – to – face meetings that we organise. With the use of technology, this has been made simple and even more effective.
We will continue to monitor the situation in order to constantly adapt to your needs should things change.
We recognize that this is a challenging period globally and we remain deeply committed to the safety of our customers, staff and communities in which we operate.
You are at our heart as an institution and we look forward to continuing to serve you to the best of our abilities.
Please take care of yourself and your loved ones.
-Wash your hands with soap and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub. You must wash your hands for at least 20 seconds in order for it to be effective.
-Practice respiratory hygiene by covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and cough into your elbows to protect others. Ensure the people around you do the same.
-Wash your hands afterwards and dispose of any used tissue immediately to prevent the virus spreading.
-Stay informed and follow advice given by your healthcare provider.
-Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth (if your hands touch a surface contaminated by the virus, this could transfer it into your body).
-Don’t get too close to people coughing, sneezing or with a fever. They can propel small droplets containing the virus into the air (ideally, keep 1m/3feet away).
-Cook your meat and eggs thoroughly.
-Avoid kisses or greeting people with handshakes.
-Eat fruits and vegetables to strengthen your immune system.
-Drink plenty of water preferably first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
-Make sure you educate your domestic staff about Corona virus and staying clean.
Contact the emergency numbers circulated by your country’s Government/Organization